“EX”-Mas Survival Guide

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams, Louisiana Ladies

Written by Felecia Williams Owner of My Spa My Way Ah, the holidays – a time of cheer, goodwill, and for some, awkward family gatherings featuring that one special guest star: your ex-partner. If you find yourself in this less-than-ideal situation, fear not! We’ve got your …

Working Women’s Art of War

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams

Heartbreak, a universal human experience, knows no boundaries and touches every gender, age, and background. Yet, the journey of women overcoming heartbreak is particularly inspiring, showcasing their remarkable strength, resilience, and ability to rebuild their lives. In the face of adversity, women have demonstrated time …

Use What You Do Know

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams

In this time of Covid, Flu, and many other diseases we are constantly being told to strengthen our immune system. We take vitamins, supplements, shakes, and shots to help fight off diseases and germs that can cripple our immune system and even result in death. …

It’s Not A Competition

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams

Celebrate, Collaborate, and Cheer each other on! Which “C” are you? Business, home, friendship, relationships, even family. We find ourselves living the wrong “C” Life. Have you ever found yourself asking “Why not me”? Or saying, “They don’t deserve it more than me!”. Maybe you find yourself …

Empowered Women Empower Women

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams, Louisiana Ladies

We’re almost halfway through the year, where are you? Today, women in congress are making their voices heard in record numbers. We have more than 75 million women in the U.S. workforce. We are more educated than ever before, have increased our salary cap more …

Finding the Blessing in the Brokenness

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams

I’ve talked about how broken crayons can still color. Although they are broken, they still have the ability to color. The key to success is being one’s self and my favorite of many sayings is, “If I am not your cup of tea, then drink …

Am I at Peace or in Pieces?

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams

To forgive others, even when it is hard to do. To continue to help without a thank you. Showing up when needed, but not invited when desired. Accepting others even when you are blamed. This is faith. Morning after morning and restless nights without sleep …

Working Women’s Art of War

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams, Louisiana Ladies

Written by Felecia Williams | owner of My Spa My Way It’s time to arm ourselves with people and tools for our next transformation. You can’t set out on a new journey with the same old dead weight, doubt and disappointment. Stop using failure as an …

Dressing From The Inside Out

Lola MagazineFelecia Williams, Louisiana Ladies

Written by Felecia Williams | Owner of My Spa My Way A million-dollar question: What is the secret to success? No longer is the answer your bank balance, job title, social status, or a mere object. Success is how one views themselves, it’s the valleys …