Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Lola MagazineDr. Karen M. Pendleton, Health and Beauty

In the past couple of weeks, I have encountered several patients…new, existing and referred that I’ve diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It’s not a rare thyroid disease, yet numerous people are suffering and don’t have to. Are you curious if you or your loved ones are …

Group Fitness: All The Rage

Lola MagazineHealth and Beauty

Looking for something to make exercising fun again?! Many people are turning to “Group Fitness” camps and programs for an alternative (though no-less challenging) approach to reaching their fitness goals. Combing fitness, enjoyment, competitiveness and accountability has become the perfect combination for folks everywhere actually …

Love and Nourishment

Lola MagazineDr. Karen M. Pendleton, Health and Beauty

Dementia is a general term that includes several chronic diseases of the brain including Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, both of which cause progressive memory loss, personality changes, and impairments of reasoning and problem solving, severe enough to interfere with daily life. Every sixty-five seconds, …

The Genetic Key to Precision Weight Management

Lola MagazineDr. Karen M. Pendleton, Health and Beauty

Are you confused about the numerous diets on the marketplace? For example: Ketogenic, Paleolithic/Primal Blueprint, Mediterranean, DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), MIND (mix of DASH and the Mediterranean), Gluten-Free, Anti-Inflammatory, Atkins, The Zone, Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw Food, Flexitarian, Pescetarian, Nutritarian, South Beach, Weight Watchers, …


Lola MagazineDr. Karen M. Pendleton, Health and Beauty

With the changing of the seasons comes the desire to go outside and enjoy the beauty of autumn. Thinking about the fall season can bring about some pleasant thoughts. And while it’s common to think about cozy scarves and pumpkin spice lattes, the symbolic meanings …

Collagen 101

Lola MagazineDr. Karen M. Pendleton, Health and Beauty

Roughly 3 to 4 years ago, I was approached by a fellow leader in a women’s professional business group, to get my opinion on a clean label company and its “hero” product line of collagen supplements. As a Lifestyle Medicine physician, before introducing products and …

What’s Next for Skincare?

Lola MagazineDr. Lindsey Pennington, Health and Beauty

Just like the perfect little black dress, skin care is not one size fits all. The right skin care routine needs to be tailored to you and your skin care goals. Board Certified Dermatologist Skylar Souyoul M.D. has spent years training and performing clinical trials …

Clean Beauty

Lola MagazineDr. Karen M. Pendleton, Health and Beauty

Written by Dr. Karen Pendleton 7 ways to avoid toxic makeup ingredients Wearing makeup is often seen as a rite of passage into womanhood. Whether our first introduction was stage makeup applied for ballet recitals — or lip gloss applied on the school bus away …

Spring Clean

Lola MagazineDr. Karen M. Pendleton, Health and Beauty, Lola Shreveport

Written by Dr. Karen Pendleton LIVING ROOM Candles Scented candles and/or candle warmers are a source of indoor air pollution, which is ironic considering many people use them as air fresheners. Burning paraffin wax releases highly toxic benzene and toluene into the air. These are …

The Glass Is Refillable

Lola MagazineHealth and Beauty, Lynnette Martin

Written by Lynnette Martin Write your story, she said. Writing has never been my forte, and I suppose being vulnerable is likely not either. Everyone’s journey to find their passion starts somewhere. Mine takes me back to sophomore year, and it is as honest a …