Summer Snafus

Lola MagazineKiddos, Lola Shreveport

  CAR SICKNESS:  Many children experience car sickness. Rarely are they able to tell you they are feeling sick until it’s a little bit too late and the car has to be detailed! If you know that your child has complained of headaches, tummy aches …

Ready, Set, Learn

Lola MagazineKiddos, Lola Shreveport

by Donesa Walker, M.Ed, owner of LearningRx of Shreveport-Bossier Queuing up in a line for a concert or a much anticipated movie premier holds no candle to getting all ready for the first day back to school whether you are a child or an adult. …

Coffee Table Redesign

Lola MagazineHome and Entertaining, Lola Shreveport

by Kristin Kirk with Kristin Kirk Interiors A staple to every living room, your coffee table is one of my favorite pieces you can easily enhance to quickly add depth to any living room. While it can be easy to think of coffee tables as …

Integrate Your Health

Lola MagazineHealth and Beauty, Lola Shreveport

Women in modern society are busy. We are individuals, mothers, wives, professionals, volunteers and friends. We over-schedule and over-extend, leading to lives consumed by stress. Stress can take a toll on our bodies and we often wear it physically in the form of medical illness. …

Knox Goodman

Lola MagazineFashion, Lola Shreveport

STICK TO THE BASICS – Always have a nice black skirt, black pants, classic jeans that fit well, and a special occasion dress (short, but long if you need it). I call these “MGD&P Dresses”, dresses that work for “meeting, greeting, drinking and praying.” ACCESSORIES – Gold OR …