I’ve talked about how broken crayons can still color. Although they are broken, they still have the ability to color. The key to success is being one’s self and my favorite of many sayings is, “If I am not your cup of tea, then drink from another cup.” There are so many topics, words, and emotions in my heart, but today, I finally can say I have made it. As the gospel singer Marvin Sapp reminds me every morning as I begin my day, “I never would have made it without you.” Even as I stand here, 18 months into the pandemic, I stand here broken, in pieces, with cracks in my foundation, but the key is that I still stand.
No, I’m not a preacher or a Sunday school teacher, and I’m not even an every Sunday church-goer like my grandmother was. But, you better believe my faith is still in tack, no waiver, no doubt that God keeps my foundation sturdy even in a pandemic.
When your get up and go, got up and went – how do you get it back? Now let me say that one more time, it sounded pretty good …to even me. When your get up and go, got up and went, how do you get it back? How do you stop eating in bed in front of the TV? How do you get dressed from the waist down and actually leave the house? How do you walk from the kitchen, through the living room and back to bed and not call it cardio?
First, get up! Stop thinking about how it used to be and be blessed you have today to think about tomorrow. Next, stop asking how to go to the next level. Simple…..move from the lower level and look up, you will see the next level. Psalm 121 is one of my late grandmother’s favorite scripture verses and one of my favorite, it says – “I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” If you’re broken, look to Jesus. If you’re hurting – look to Jesus. If you are looking for joy and happiness and seeking to establish a sound foundation – seek Jesus.
People discounted me because I didn’t look a certain way. People discounted me because I struggled with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). People discounted me because depression tried to steal my life. The devil almost stole my business, but I thank God for my brokenness. He sealed my cracks, reinforced my foundation and built a new frame. A frame not even the pandemic has been able to destroy thus far. I was broken, but God created me to be a masterpiece. God sealed my broken crayons and allowed them to still color. God has painted a beautiful portrait in my life because God has placed his son Jesus in my life. Jesus is, and always will be, the solid rock of my foundation. I recommend you hire God as your general contractor to build your new foundation and reinforce your structure called life. There is a blessing in your brokenness.