Focusing Mind & Body

Lola MagazineAimee Ballard, Emily Sample, Health and Beauty

Do you want peace and happiness in 2017? Maybe you should try yoga.

The practice of yoga brings you flexibility and strength, but the emotional and mental benefits are what will keep you on the mat. By focusing on your breath, posture and gaze, you can find clarity of the mind. The breathing techniques in yoga calm your nervous system so that when you leave, you are renewed and restored. Linking your movements to the breath brings your awareness inward so that you become more in tune with your body and the present moment. The physical benefits such as strength, stamina and balance are just icing on the cake. Being mindful means being aware of your thoughts and actions. It is key to any lifestyle changes. The practice of yoga helps you to tap into that self-awareness so you can become more mindful of your emotions and can avoid or change old habits. When you notice negative thought patterns arising, you can redirect the negative thought patterns into positive ones or restrain from reacting to them by controlling your breath. Controlling your breath is the best tool yoga gives you to self-regulate negative emotions. Mere observation of your breath begins to slow the pace of the breath, thus slowing the heart rate and regulating the nervous system. You may have heard to take a deep breath if you are anxious, and this will help calm you down. This is true but if you hold that breath, it could have the opposite effect. Breath retention can have a negative effect on anxiety. A better practice is to take slow, long, and deep inhales and exhales to help the body and mind relax.

Meditation is another tool to ease your mind. The simplest definition of meditation is to focus on one thing to help clear your mind. Think of your thoughts like a monkey jumping from one tree to the next, never settling in one place for very long. By drawing your focus on one tree or thought, you will help tame your monkey mind. There are several different techniques used to meditate. A yoga practice can be a moving meditation, allowing your breaths to guide your movements. Attention to your breath alone is an approachable way to begin a meditation practice. The first step would be counting your breath. Start in a comfortable seated position. Begin to breathe in and out of your nose, noticing the natural pattern of your breath. Try to lengthen the inhales and exhales to a smooth wave of breath. Now count each exhale until you get to 10. When your mind wanders and you lose count, start over. Once you have mastered this technique, you can do more and more rounds of 10. Headspace is a great app on your phone if you need more guidance as you begin a meditation practice.

“So what if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.” – Emily & Aimee

Another way to practice mindfulness in the coming year is to set intentions instead of resolutions. Intentions are positive qualities you want in your life at this moment. By staying focused on these qualities, you can become closer to who and where you want to be instead of focusing on the bad qualities you want to change. When we make resolutions then fail at keeping them, you end up with guilt and anxiety. An intention focuses on the exact opposite of that — adding something good. For example, instead of setting a resolution to lose weight, set an intention to treat yourself and your body with kindness. Each day focus on what is good with your body and nurture it. Often in the beginning of a yoga class we give students time to set a positive intention for their practice, such as patience, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness and joy. This often leads to a more focused practice and clear mind as you enter back to your day, taking your yoga with you wherever you may go.

As you enter into 2017, make it a daily practice to set a positive intention and become more aware of the challenges that distract you from keeping that intention. When challenges arise, take some deep breaths, remember to exhale and remind yourself of the positive qualities you are striving for in your life. When you fall short, as we all do, set an intention for forgiveness and start again and again. These practices will soon leave you mindful and aware of how to live each day with purpose. Keep adding good things to your day, and little by little they will add up to a Happy New Year.

We wish you all peace, health, and happiness as you enter into your new year in 2017.

Namaste, Emily & Aimee

Emily Sample

Aimee Ballard