Hostess with the Mostess: Charming Your Chakras

Lola MagazineHome and Entertaining, Jeremy Hernandez, Jessica Comegys, Lola Shreveport

Your Guide to Balancing Your Energies with a Dash of Fun!

Greetings, fellow cosmic travelers! Are you feeling a little out of sync with the universe lately?

Fear not, for we have a delightful solution that will have you floating on clouds of positive vibes. It’s time to dive into the wonderful world of chakras and learn how to balance these mystical energy centers while keeping the fun alive. We had the pleasure of hosting a chakra balancing dinner in combination with some healing ladies at the Peace of Mind Center recently for our 318 Restaurant Week Dinner Experience and learned a lot about all things raising your vibration. So, put on your brightest aura and get ready to unleash your inner zen with a sprinkle of lightheartedness!

1. Root Chakra: Grounding with a Bouncy Twist

Ah, the root chakra—the foundation of our being. To balance this energetic powerhouse, let’s embark on a playful journey. Picture yourself as a tree, firmly rooted in the earth. Now, get those happy feet moving and do the Root Chakra Dance! Wiggle your toes, stomp your feet, and feel the ground beneath you. Embrace the joy of staying grounded while tapping into your inner child.

2. Sacral Chakra: Embracing the Creative Splash

Ahoy, mates! The sacral chakra invites us to dive into the oceans of creativity. Find yourself a playful companion—a dolphin, perhaps? Let your inner child run free as you engage in artistic activities like painting, drawing, or dancing. Embrace the power of playfulness, and remember, the messier, the better! Unleash your imagination and let your creative waves flow.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra: A Giggle-Filled Confidence Boost

Ever had a case of the giggles that made you feel invincible? That’s precisely what the solar plexus chakra thrives on—confidence and laughter! Channel your inner comedian and make it a point to find humor in everyday situations. Share jokes with friends, watch funny videos, and laugh like nobody’s watching. Remember, laughter truly is the best medicine for a vibrant solar plexus!

4. Heart Chakra: Spreading Love, One Hug at a Time

The heart chakra yearns for love, compassion, and heartfelt connections. To balance it, let’s spread love like confetti! Organize a random acts of kindness day and surprise strangers with simple gestures of love and care. Give heartfelt compliments, offer warm hugs, or leave anonymous love notes for others to discover. Remember, every act of kindness ignites a sparkle in your heart.

5. Throat Chakra: Harmonizing with a Melodic Note

The throat chakra craves authentic expression and clear communication. What better way to balance it than through the magic of music? Grab a hairbrush or a microphone and sing your heart out! Belt out your favorite tunes, have a karaoke night with friends, or join a community choir. Let your voice soar and feel the vibrations harmonize your chakra energy.

6. Third Eye Chakra: Embracing the Playfulness of Imagination

Welcome to the realm of intuition and imagination—the third eye chakra! Take a moment to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew and embark on a playful mystery-solving adventure. Engage in brain teasers, solve puzzles, or create your own treasure hunt. Let your imagination run wild as you connect the dots and embrace the joy of discovery.

7. Crown Chakra: A Dance with the Stars

Ah, the crown chakra—our connection to the divine and cosmic energies. To balance this ethereal chakra, we’ll take a celestial dance. Picture yourself as a star, shimmering in the night sky. Twirl and sway with grace, feeling the cosmic energy flowing through your being. Embrace the awe-inspiring beauty of the universe and let your spirit soar among the constellations.

When our chakras are out of balance, it can affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Here are some common signs that may indicate an imbalance in the chakras…

Root Chakra (Muladhara):

Feeling insecure or unstable

Lacking a sense of belonging or connection

Financial difficulties or concerns

Physical symptoms like lower back pain or digestive issues

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

Creative blocks or lack of inspiration

Emotional instability or excessive mood swings

Difficulty experiencing pleasure or enjoying life

Reproductive or sexual health issues

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

Low self-esteem or lack of confidence

Feeling powerless or a need to control everything

Digestive problems or issues with metabolism

Difficulty setting boundaries or asserting oneself

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

Difficulties in forming or maintaining relationships

Feeling emotionally closed off or guarded

Lack of empathy or compassion towards others

Respiratory or circulatory issues

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

Difficulty expressing oneself or speaking the truth

Fear of public speaking or being heard

Frequent throat or neck problems

Inability to actively listen or communicate effectively

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

Lack of clarity or inability to make decisions

Disconnection from intuition or inner wisdom

Frequent headaches or vision problems

Difficulty accessing imagination or visualization

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

Feeling disconnected from spirituality or higher purpose

Lack of inspiration or joy in life

Persistent feelings of isolation or loneliness

Sensitivity to light or sound

It’s important to note that these signs can vary from person to person, and experiencing a few of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean all your chakras are imbalanced. However, paying attention to these signs can help you identify areas where you might need to focus on bringing balance and harmony back into your life. Seeking guidance from a qualified energy healer or practicing chakra-balancing techniques can support you in realigning and revitalizing your energy centers.

While there isn’t a direct correlation between specific foods and balancing chakras, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can support overall well-being, which in turn positively impacts the chakra system.

Here are some general guidelines and food suggestions that promote overall vitality and can contribute to a balanced
energy flow…

Root Chakra (Muladhara):

Grounding foods: Root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets), protein-rich foods (beans, lentils, tofu), and red-colored foods (strawberries, pomegranates) can help promote stability and grounding.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

Nourishing fluids: Hydration is essential for this chakra. Drinking plenty of water, herbal teas, and consuming fruits with high water content (melons, oranges) can be beneficial.

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

Green foods: Leafy greens (spinach, kale), broccoli, avocados, and green tea are known for their high nutritional value and can promote heart-centered energy.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

Digestive health foods: Incorporate whole grains, fiber-rich foods (oats, quinoa), and gut-friendly probiotics (yogurt, kefir) to support digestive well-being and boost confidence.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

Clean and pure foods: Focus on light, plant-based meals, and fresh, organic ingredients to support clarity and connection to higher consciousness.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

Hydrating foods: Water-rich fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, watermelon, and herbal infusions help keep the throat area moisturized and support clear communication.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

Antioxidant-rich foods: Blueberries, purple grapes, dark chocolate, and omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts and flaxseeds are known for their brain-boosting properties.

Ultimately, it’s important to listen to your body’s unique needs and make choices that resonate with you. The intention behind your food choices, mindful eating practices, and maintaining a balanced overall diet will contribute to your overall well-being, which positively influences the harmony of your chakras.

Congratulations, dear reader! You’ve embarked on a whimsical journey through the captivating realm of chakras. Remember, balance doesn’t have to be serious and dull. By infusing a touch of fun and lightheartedness, you can align your energies while enjoying every step of the process. So, go forth, embrace your inner child, and let the vibrant energy of balanced chakras light up your life like a starry night!

A note from Dr. Jaya McSharma: Medical Marijuana is not the “party weed” one might remember from the 60s of 70s! People often think that this plant-based medicine is only for hospice patients, or cancer patients, or children with severe epilepsy. The truth is, when done with supervision from a medical professional and the pharmacists at HOPE dispensary, medical marijuana can treat everything from anxiety to chronic pain to insomnia with fewer side effects and less long-term consequences than most pharmaceuticals. Anyone with any condition that is debilitating to their quality of life qualifies, and as a family medicine-trained physician, I am qualified to treat patients of any age even those under 18! You can book your consultation by calling 318-464-6899 or visiting You deserve to live well NOW!

From Katharyn DeVille, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Visit Shreveport-Bossier: 318 Restaurant Week was such a success,” said Katharyn DeVille, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Visit Shreveport-Bossier. “More than fifty restaurants and ten diverse dining experiences grabbed the attention of locals and visitors alike. We are a foodie destination, and we can’t wait to see 318 Restaurant Week grow even more, next year!

From Emerie Eck Holtzclaw, Event Coordinator for 318 Restaurant Week: When planning the dining experiences for 318 Restaurant Week, I wanted to make sure that we had events for everyone,” said Emerie Eck Holtzclaw, Event Coordinator for 318 Restaurant Week. “I had heard a few friends talking about the Peace of Mind Center and thought that we all need to realign with ourselves and become more balanced, so with collaboration from them, the Mind, Body, and Spirit Dining Experience was created for just that. By partnering with Chef Jessica Comegys, we all created a very memorable night for the attendees and 318 Restaurant Week.

EFT tapping by Terri Simmons focuses on tapping the 12 meridian points of the body to relieve symptoms of a negative experience or emotion.