Makeup Tips from the Pro

Lola MagazineAlison Findley, Health and Beauty, Lola Shreveport

Most of us have mastered the basics of makeup application, but a few simple tips from makeup artist, Alison Findley, can take your look from basic to glam. Even if you’ve had the same makeup routine for decades, Alison offers us some easy tricks that will level up your look without adding application time to your busy day.

1. Skin prep is important

It’s all about your canvas. Your makeup will not apply smoothly on top of dry, flakey skin. Moisturizing and/or priming for your skin type will insure for best application.

2. Eyes before Face

I always recommend starting with eyes first so you don’t have any eyeshadow fall out that will ruin your face makeup if done first.

3. Using eyeshadow as eyeliner

A dark eyeshadow on a flat angled brush to line the eyes will still define the eye & gives move natural appearance without running or smudging like traditional eyeliner.

4. Translucent setting powder

Using this to set your foundation and concealer will allow your other powder products (bronzer, contour, blush) to blend seamlessly without being patchy or muddy.

5. Blush is so important

Add more than you think you’ll need, as it’s the first thing to fade. Keeping it higher up on the cheekbone instead of the apples of the cheeks give you a more lifted look.

6. Highlighting the inner corners of your eyes

This makes your eyes appear more open & makes them pop at any age.

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