Sweet Summertime Fashion Lola Magazine June 2, 2021Fashion, Lola Shreveport, Louisiana Ladies Clothes and Earrings provided by Vertage Clothing and John Picken ClothiersModels: Sigourney Perez and Josh LewisVertage Clothing and John Pickens ClothiersModel: Josh LewisVertage Clothing and John Pickens Clothiers Model: Signourney PerezWomen’s clothing provided by Boutique Barr, Mens Shirt provided by Skeleton Key Vintage Models: Tryniti Hamlet and Gabe PylesWomen’s clothing provided by Goldies Boutique, Men’s clothing provided by John Pickens Clothiers Models: Tryniti Hamlet and Gabe PylesWomen’s clothing provided by Pretenses Boutique, Men’s Shirt provided by John Pickens Clothiers Models: Sigourney Perez and Gabe PylesWomen’s clothing provided by Pretenses Boutique, Men’s Shirt provided by John Pickens Clothiers Models: Sigourney Perez and Gabe PylesWomens clothes provided by JAC ClothingModel: Maggie CrawfordWomens clothes provided by JAC ClothingModel: Maggie CrawfordWomens clothes provided by JAC Clothing, Mens Shirt provided by Skeleton Key VintageModels: Maggie Crawford and Josh LewisWomen’s clothing provided by Bullets and Butterfly Vintage and Skeleton Key VintageWomen’s clothing provided by Bullets and Butterfly Vintage, Men’s Shirt provided by Skeleton Key Vintage MODELS: Sigourney Perez and Josh LewisClothing provided by Bullets and Butterfly Vintage Model: Sigourney PerezClothing provided by Bullets and Butterfly Vintage MODEL: Maggie CrawfordClothing provided by Bullets and Butterfly Vintage and Skeleton Key VintageMODELS ALL