We are inundated with acronyms nowadays. I’m certain the vast majority of you are well aware of the first 4 mentioned but, are vexed by the last (smh). Of the 5, it is certainly the least recognized, but, that does not necessarily make it less significant.
Local Realtor and non-profit guru Michael Sean Powell (MSP) is known for a lot of things: Being one of the top Realtors in our area, founding a popular non-profit called Roy’s Kids (named after his brother) and seemingly endless posts on FB describing in great minutiae his varying moods throughout any given day. By all accounts, Mike appears to be an overall good man. He serves his community, is a doting father, a good husband, a fine son and a loyal friend. What he is not… is a snazzy dresser! My personal view of fashion is much akin to my decorating style in that every item does not have to match, but rather, coordinate with other pieces! It’s all about the mix!


I’ve followed the adventures of MSP for a few years now and have become something of a reluctant “fan” of this man and Roy’s Kids. The one thing I could never get past was Mike’s attire. He always dressed like my *Uncle Susan, a long-haul trucker and avid softball enthusiast (LOL). I felt compelled…nay, obligated to reach out to my friend for a style intervention. I called, we met and even made a FB video where Mike agreed to allow me to help him with his personal style.
This “male-over” included: new clothes, shoes, socks, hairstyle and suggested growing a Van-Dyke (in honor of Uncle Susan…HA!). We set a time to meet at Stein Mart and so began MSP’s latest adventure. Beforehand, I asked Mike his shirt/jacket size (which he didn’t know), his favorite colors (blue, white and khaki), shoe size and budget. I arrived early and preselected several looks for him to try. Since, most men loathe the idea of shopping, especially for clothes, this pre-selection eased his anxiety about the process. “I thought, what have I gotten myself into,” Mike readily admits. “But I trust Myron explicitly…I mean, look at him. He always looks sharp!”
We tried on look after look, which can be mixed and matched (separates) to expand the number of styles with fewer individual pieces. Again, mix things up folks, it’s imperative! Afterwards, we headed to our hair appointment with Jeremy Johnson at Red1 Salon to top off the day.
The results speak for themselves! Mike now has his own personal style, which better fit his business and philanthropic dealings. Our collective posts unveiling his new look have garnered almost 1300 “likes” and 353 overwhelmingly positive comments! Personally, I feel a new acronym is needed for this transformation. MSP is now one helluva SDM (Sharp-Dressed-Man). If You have your own Uncle Susan or dress almost solely in sports team-themed attire, you may need some tweaking…feel free to hit me up on FB. Thanks, and ttyl.
*Uncle Susan is not a real person; she was invented by moi and I own any and all rights to her name and or likeness (jk).