Women wear many hats with little time or energy to give to politics. As time and energy continue to become a limited commodity, women must muster up their time and energy to get involved and stay involved. The mere thought of wading into the political arena is a daunting one to say the least. The politicians view themselves as omnipotent and most of the time they no longer represent us. They are emboldened to follow out personal agendas with little consequence. They know we are busy raising families and pushing through the minutia of the day and count on us to assume someone else will out part for us.
I, for one, am tired of being quiet. Lately, I have been asking myself what did the great number of countless veterans fight for? Let me tell you, it was for a free society and for our politicians to be our representatives. The issues of the day have never been more important. Women must decide if we want a say in how we are represented or do we want our politicians to think and act for us as we blindly follow. We have seen how this works in the past. This election is long term and breasts do not automatically qualify or disqualify a candidate from getting my vote. Their vision for this country does!
Consider these question and if you answer yes to any, then this election matters to you.
Accountability: Do you teach your children accountability for the decisions they make? Is lying acceptable?
Healthcare: Do you struggle with healthcare costs and spending 3 hours at the Dr.’s office with a sick child in your lap? Have you had to switch Doctors? Have your premiums increased? Did your tax liability increase to the IRS? Did you skip that vacation because of the increased costs? Was your employer able to give you that raise, or was it just applied to the increased healthcare costs?
Regulation: Do you spend more time complying with overreaching regulations in your workplace? Did your employer not give you a raise because they had to hire another person just for compliance?
Employment: Do you know someone who has lost their job or cannot find one and has stopped looking? Does your current job exist in a Socialist country? Has your job moved to another country?
Protection/Security: Do you chose to protect yourself with a weapon? Can you physically defend yourself against someone wanting to do you harm? Maybe? Do you want the choice of how to protect your family? Do you want to be totally dependent on someone taking care of you and rendering aid? Do you have second thoughts about going to a movie or another crowded place with your family and friends?
Education: Have you noticed how the textbooks of today are dramatically different from when were in school? Have you noticed how children are being taught now compared to in the past?
Faith: Have you been made to feel uncomfortable because you want to pray before an event or function? Are you nervous even bringing it up? Are you afraid of being attached for your faith?
Politics are exhausting! Women must dig deep and make the time to get involved. It doesn’t mean 10 hours a week. Contact a friend in another state to vote, send $20 to the candidate that supports your view points. DO SOMETHING! If we don’t, someone will. It does not matter what your views may be. We have a voice and we need to make sure that our voices are heard.
Kara Lowrie